MAY: Government approves investment 450 million to security forces.

The Government approved the draft law of programming of infrastructures and the security forces equipment, which provides for an investment 90 million / year between 2017 and 2021, in total 450 million.

school Serpa - frente_800x800Among the investment in infrastructure is the adaptation of the old school garden for the new post of Serpa GNR, whose works will cost 600 thousand euros. In March 2015, Serpa Chamber and the GNR General Command signed a lending protocol for the disposal of the old educational establishment facilities.

“The aim is to establish a schedule of investments not only in infrastructure, but also in equipment necessary for operational activities for five years of 2017 e 2021”, said the Minister of Internal Affairs, Constance Sousa Urban, at the press conference held after the meeting of the Council of Ministers, where the diploma was approved.

Second minister, the program covers the costs of investments not only in infrastructure, but also in “vehicles, armament, individual protection equipment, equipment support for operational activity, information systems and technologies”.

“Will allow us to over the next five years to make investments that are scheduled to reason 90 million annually, total no 450 million in next five years”, Constance stressed Sousa Urban.

So, each year will be made concrete investments, defined according to the priorities set by the security forces, particularly in terms of infrastructure, starting with those with a “fairly high degree of degradation”, and purchase of vehicles, since it takes “go renewing the fleet”.

The funds channeled for investment will come from the general revenues of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but also from its own revenues.


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