Mértola: Accident with one dead and one seriously injured.
A dead, employee of Beja House, and one seriously injured was the result of a screening that took place yesterday at about 20.53 hours near Pinto Court, municipality of Mértola.
The screening of a passenger car, which occurred yesterday near Pinto Court, municipality of Mértola, caused the death of a man 54 years and still one seriously injured, the driver of the vehicle.
The accident occurred at City Road 504, connecting one village to the National Road 265, My journey of Santo Domingo / Serpa.
Has learned the Lidador News (LD) the two occupants of the car reside in Baleizão, county Beja, making the return home after a tour of the municipality of Mértola.
The fatality is Rafael Antonio (na photos), known in his own country by the nickname of "coffee plant" and is an employee of Beja Municipality, being connected to the side which collects the so-called "mono", namely, furniture.
A witness, told LD, that in place, "there are two very dangerous curves. The car did not make the first, was straight and fell into a ravine. The car flipped several times and then froze ", described our source.
According to the testimony of the person who was at the scene of the screening, "The hanging died instantly and the driver was in very serious condition", described.
O death was declared on site by the doctor of medical emergency vehicle and resuscitation (VMER) and the body was removed to the morgue of Beja Hospital, by Volunteer Fire Department Mértola (BVM).
Relief operations the seven operational mobilized, two ambulances and a vehicle extrication of the BVM, VMER the Beja and the GNR.
Teixeira Correia