Mértola: Work accident causes hurt very serious.
A worker of the Mértola municipality fell from a roof while doing a repair. The Beja Hospital was transferred to the Hospital of St. Joseph, in Lisbon, in a state considered “very serious”.
For unknown reasons, being investigated by the Authority for Working Conditions (ACT), a worker in the municipality of Mértola (photo of Lidador Village News file) He fell off the roof of a warehouse, in Materials Park City Hall, when he labored in infrastructure summit.
The accident happened at about 14,30 hours, when Jose Incarnation, of 48 year old, proceeded to recovery work on the roof of the warehouse and dropped from a height of about five meters. Firefighters carried by Mértola for Beja Hospital, man had a prognostic health “very serious”, It is considered a poly-traumatized injured.
Second it was possible to determine the skull had serious level and spine injuries, having been transferred to the Hospital of St. Joseph, in Lisbon, an ambulance of Beja Fire.
Teixeira Correia