Mértola: Archaeologist Claudio Torres received the Cultural Merit Medal.

“A Minister of Culture in Mértola ... shit ". It was with this expression, and the Alentejo, that Claudio Torres received Graça Fonseca, the door of the Field Archaeologist, when the Minister of Culture came to the "Village Museum".

It was a double celebration one that occurred on Saturday morning in the Sala José Mattoso, in Mértola Archaeological Field, with the archaeologist Claudio Torres to receive from the hands of the Minister of Culture, Cultural Merit Medal on the day he meets 81 year old.
Besides the minister attended the ceremony Secretary of State Assistant and Cultural Heritage, Angela Ferreira, the Deputy Mayor of Mértola, Rosine pepper, and the Regional Director of Culture Alentejo, Ana Paula Amendoeira.
Graça Fonseca explained that the award of the medal is the celebration “who devoted a lifetime to a cause that has as its aim the cultural heritage of the region and unite a country” concluded. The minister added that archeology “account una story that the books do not show and do not count”concluded.
Turn the honoree said ,”this oxalate (the award) be continued because this is a region that is an example of desertification and off power circuits day”, recalling that Mértola with just over thousand inhabitants “It has a dozen museums and attracts crowds that sometimes have nowhere to spend and stay longer”, and a look at the room, visibly moved fired with a simple thank-you “there is here a series of malta friend”, said.
Among those present highlighting the presence of Career Marques, former president of the Chamber of Beja, Paulo Neto, and Santiago Macias, who have led the municipalities of Mértola and Moura and Rui Raposo, Mayor of Vidigueira.

Who is Claudio Torres

Tondela natural, district of Viseu, was born in 11 January 939, completed yesterday (Saturday) 81 year old, having arrived in the Mértola 1978, the Serrão Martins invitation, the first chair you the House elected in democracy. Later that year, He founded the "Village Museum" the Mértola Archaeological Site, where it moved definitively in 1986, after leaving the Faculty of Arts.

Claudio Torres has received several distinctions, especially the Grand Cross of the Order of Infante D. Henrique, granted by the President (1993), Pessoa prize (1991), doctorate 'honoris causa’ the University of Évora (2001) and Award of the Vatican Pontifical Academies awarded by Pope Francis to Mértola Archaeological Site (2015).

From 2006, is a member of the Advisory Council on the Cultural Heritage area the Ministry of Culture.

Teixeira Correia


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