Mértola: Art Non Stop dedicated to word, between 29 January and 11 Feb..
The municipal initiative Art Non Stop and the 15th anniversary of the House of Mario Elias Arts, in Mértola, will place 29 from January to 11 Feb., and the theme chosen for this edition is the "Word".
exhibitions, music, cinema, dance, workshops and photography are some of the activities that will liven up the county.
edition 2018 Art Non Stop starts with a picture of opening of the exhibition of Daniel Vieira, the presentation of the project "School of Arts and Mario Elias guitar concert with Manuel Ferraz, on 1 Feb..
In the following days, the House of Mario Elias Arts, It is the venue for engraving workshops, Daniel Vieira (3 Feb.), of "With the poem in the body", Gisela Cañamero (4 February), and astro photography, with Miguel Claro (7 Feb.).
Of 6 a 28 Feb., na Mina de S. Sundays, is open to the public the photo exhibition Darkshy - S Mine. Sundays, of Miguel Claro authoring.
This year's program includes art Non Stop, also ArteAçorda, a film session with the film "Pilgrimage", John Botelho, and "Pass the word", a conversation about urban renewal in Largo da Artichoke, in the Village Historical Center.
The Art Non Stop closes on 11 February with Trast'Arte - art fair and flea, to be held in Largo Vasco da Gama, from 8h00 to 13h00.
The program is available at www.cm-mertola.pt.