Mértola: Local authority offers new autotanque firefighters.

Three months after the accident with autotanque, the Volentários Mértola Firefighters have new car. Local authority offers new autotanque, an investment 65.000 euros.

In order to address two problems, refueling of vehicles Volunteer Firefighters (BVM) and supplying the populations, City Hall, It offered a new autotanque the Humanitarian Association of BVM, to replace the previous car that suffered the accident and was inoperable.

The delivery of the new car took place three months after the old autotanque the accident and has a capacity to carry 16.000 liters of water and cost to the municipality 65.000 euros, Sporting also have new symbol of the corporation of volunteers mertolenses.

Last day 11 May, when moved to the water supply to vehicles that fighting a fire, the village exit, the autotanque flipped over and became irrecoverable. It was a feast day that was ending in tragedy. The two firefighters who followed the vehicle suffered minor injuries.

The Mértola Firefighters noted earlier that day the 48th anniversary, having received an ambulance transport of patients not urgent (ABTD), offered by the Association of St. Bartholomew the Germans in Lisbon (ASBAL), no value 30.400 euros.

The Mértola is one of the most plagued with a lack of public water supply in many settlements, wherein the autotanque daily is used to carry water, a partnership between the fire department and the Public Waters of Alentejo (Owned), the Águas de Portugal Group. corporate direction of the source recalled "the importance" of replacement autotanque, defining the vehicle as "the big breadwinner of fire".

Teixeira Correia


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