Mértola: Firefighters invest in equipment and with the support of the House in autotanque..
The direction of Mértola Firefighters invested in the acquisition of uniforms and boots for their operational. With the financial support of the House a new autotanque was purchased with a capacity of 16 one thousand liters.
A partnership between the Humanitarian Association of Voluntary Firemen of Mértola (AHBVM) and the Municipality, It has been purchased a new autotanque, to replace the vehicle accident, and has as its main task to supply populations.
The new autotanque, with a total financial contribution of the municipality of “Musweu village”, It has a capacity of 16 one thousand liters, at a cost of 65.000 euros, changes included and must be delivered to the corporation by the end of July.
It is recalled that last day 11 May, when they are celebrating the 48th anniversary, Firefighters Mértola Volunteers found themselves involved in a screening with autotanque, capable of 33.500 l, a 500 meters from the city limits of Mértola, after the passage of the river bridge Oeiras. The accident resulted in two firefighters with minor injuries.
The vehicle continued for refueling other cars Volunteer Fire Department Mértola (BVM), what 15 minutes before had gone to an agricultural fire that broke out on Mount Gatão, in São Pedro de Solis, just over 30 kilometers from the county seat.
The Mértola is one of the most plagued with a lack of public water supply in many settlements, this being autotanque, daily water led to populations, a partnership between the fire department and the Public Waters of Alentejo (Owned), the Águas de Portugal Group. corporate direction of the source expressed regret regret at the time the loss of autotanque, defining the vehicle as "the big breadwinner of fire".
On the other hand the direction of AHBVM is attentive to the needs of its 45 operational and so that they can enjoy better working conditions, invested 3.000 euros in the acquisition of uniforms and boots. The institution invested 1.000 euros in pants and short sleeve poles and 2.000 euros in boots.
Teixeira Correia