Firefighters invest more than 10.000 euros in relief and training in times of crisis. Acquired resuscitation maneuver device and SVB mannequin (basic suport of life) .
Despite the pandemic times and the numerous problems created by the new coronavirus, Firefighters Volunteer Mértola (BVM) invested in equipment aimed at strengthening the pre-hospital emergency response capacity. The training of the corporation's operatives was also strengthened..
In the numerous traffic accidents on the National Road 267/IC27 and the respiratory problems of a very aging population, to which are added those from covid-19, took the Fire Department of the “Vila Museum” acquired a mechanical device for a thoracic resuscitation system.
According to the commander of the BVM, it is a device that "makes resuscitation maneuvers more efficient", justifying Jorge Santos that "increasing the probability of spontaneous recovery of the victim's circulation", finished.
The equipment cost about 10.000 euros, fully supported by the direction of the Associação Humanitaria Mertolense. But the institution's investment did not stop with the mechanical device, since to improve its use by the corporation's operators they acquired an SVB mannequin (basic suport of life) aimed at improving the capacity for intervention, which had an approximate cost of 300 euros.
The mannequin has several functions that simulate real situations in adults and children, with an emphasis on a realistic respiratory system, presenting the results after the practical training.
Teixeira Correia