Mértola: Firefighters get hold of the local authority. A new autotanque.

The Christmas Lunch Volunteer Fire Department Mértola (BVM) It was enriched with the delivery, by the Municipality, a new autotanque supported in full by the local authority.

The vehicle, capable of carrying 16 thousand liters of water cost 65 thousand euros, already boasts the new corporate symbol.

In addition to replacing another injured, the new autotanque fills two problems: refueling of vehicles of the BVM and supplies the populations, one of the municipalities of Portugal more plagued with water shortages.

Mario Thomas, vice president of mertolense authority, vehicle justified the offer to as “the recognition of the work that is done for the citizens of the county, having the president of direction, Alhinho sky guaranteed that “It weaknesses strengths and this offer is the reset of the corporation's breadwinner”, noting that the replenishment to the population due to a contract with the Alentejo Public Water is essential for life on fire.

It is recalled that on 11 May, during the celebration of the 48th anniversary of the corporation, when moving to a fire, the semi-trailer, tractor and tanker, support only refueling carrying 33 liters of water, and they were overturned inoperative. On that day the corporation received a transport ambulance non-urgent patients (ABTD), offered by the Association of St. Bartholomew the Germans in Lisbon (ASBAL), no value 30.400 euros.

Corporation with no debt, but with much to receive

Margaret Lopes, vice president of direction, He stressed that "the Mértola fire has no debts to suppliers, but are creditors 200 thousand euros of several institutions ", not revealing which, but left the assurance that "everything we do to get that money as soon as possible, because many lack makes us ", concluded.

Teixeira Correia


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