Mértola: Firefighters refuse ambulance INEM, by taking on water.

The ambulance that the National Institute of Medical Emergency (INEM) assigned to the Volunteer Fire Department Mértola, to replace another that was stopped for two months due to a malfunction, I had 17 years and Metia water.

The direction of firemen refused and asked the INEM to fetch the barracks (ambulance in the picture). The flaw was recognized by the Institute who sent an ambulance that was in Elvas Fire.

The problem of INEM ambulance in Mértola has several chapters. Each of more abnormal the previous. It started with the broken engine and an arrangement of 8.000 euros. The problem dragged on two months and the city's firefighters, a 9 January revealed to Lidador News (LN) who had given a deadline 15 January to INEM solve the problem. Otherwise, from that day refused to emergency services enabled by the Operational Center for Emergency Patients (CODU).

Three days after the news, INEM told firefighters who have had a car. The Mértola arrived with an ambulance 17 years and, after washing surprise, to let in water.

The LN confronted the Institute with the situation, having confirmed that the Fire Mértola "reported" that the car "had a problem that was not reported in the workshop which was the same as apt to get service", adding that it was linked to "the tightness of the sanitary cell (infiltration of rainwater ", having begun steps to replace.

To overcome the situation and "help the entities to ensure the full operation of the rescue", INEM said it would shift an ambulance that was in the fire department of Elvas.

Ambulance exchange occurred during the night of Friday. They were 23,00 hours when the car came to Mértola Fire.

INEM critical fire for "threat"

The Institute added that in cooperation protocols with the Fire Brigade "is not mentioned that it is the responsibility of the vehicle INEM replacement in case of failure of the ambulance allocated PEM", remataram.

Not satisfied with the Alentejo corporate position while ensuring occurrences activated by CODU, INEM explained that "it is regrettable that the BVMértola"threaten"Stop making emergency medical services", if the situation was not resolved.

Teixeira Correia


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