Mértola: chamber invests 500 thousand euros in Mina de São Domingos.

Under the Integrated Action Plan for disadvantaged Communities (PAICD), the Municipality of Mértola obtained funding of EU funds in the amount of 500 thousand euros, to invest in the urban regeneration of the mining village of S. Sundays.

The verba, now approved, It allows full rehabilitation of the Cine-Teatro São Domingos Mine, the last of the buildings donated by the company La Sabina. It Will Be, equally, can proceed to the gazebo garden remodeling, the recovery of the tennis court and playground.

Initially, the amount earmarked for urban regeneration S Mine. Sunday was 125,000 €, but by a strong and well-founded trading, City Hall managed to achieve the maximum possible benefit at this stage that is five hundred thousand euros.

With the remaining allocation, about two hundred thousand euros, you can enhance the urban regeneration, and invest in the Church Zone, with the new development and the surrounding area of ​​the Guadiana Street.

A clear focus on upgrading the Mina de São Domingos, in all its dimensions, a reality today conducted by various institutions, made this location, already very relevant in the Mértola municipality and the region, an important growth pole.

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