Mértola: City Council begins the Participatory Budget 2020.
The Participatory Budget Mértola 2020 starts on the day 17 January, with the first participatory meeting in Mértola parish council.
In the weeks following, meetings are held in the parish headquarters Alcaria Ruiva, Holy Spirit, Mina de S. Sundays, Santana de Cambas, Parishes and S Union. John of Boilermakers. Of 20 a 27 January participatory meetings are dedicated to the youth of the municipality, with sessions in Primary School and Secondary S. Sebastian and Professional School Alsud.
The Participatory Budget Mértola Municipality is one of the City Council initiative to deepen the collection of contributions from citizens in the discussion and drafting the municipal budget. One aim of this measure is to strengthen the link between the municipality and its citizens and, consequently, improve the quality of local democratic process.
The Participatory Budget Mértola focuses on the entire territory of the municipality and comes in two modes: Youth Participatory Budget (OPJ) Participatory Budget and General (OPG).
In the Municipal Budget 2020 lines are planned in the amount of 40.000 € and 60,000 € to finance the winning proposals of the OPJ and OPG.
Proposals may be submitted in education, sport and youth, equipment and public spaces, health and wellness, local economy, agriculture, forests and rural development, transport, mobility and accessibility and entrepreneurship. The value of each proposal may not exceed the amount of 10.000 € for the OPJ and 30,000 € for OPG.
In OPJ may tender all citizens aged between 14 and 29 year old, that are natural, residents, workers or students in the county Mértola. In OPG may tender all citizens over 30 year old, that are natural, residents or workers in the Mértola municipality.
Interested parties may submit its proposal in participatory meetings (Mértola – 17 janeiro; Alcaria Ruiva – 18 janeiro; Holy Spirit – 19 janeiro; Mina de S. Sundays – 1 February; Santana de Cambas – 2 February; Union of parishes – 8 February; S. John the Boilermakers - 9 February) or orcamentoparticipativo.cmmertola.pt of 20 from January to 20 Feb. 2020.
The vote on the proposals is planned for May 2020.