Mértola: Oil lamp causes fire and leaves injured elderly couple.
An elderly couple was injured, the woman gravely, following a fire caused by an oil lamp to, occurred in Picoitos, municipality of Mértola.
The woman, of 81 year old, with several burns, Mértola was carried by firefighters, for or Santa Maria Hospital, because of bad weather, Helicopter INEM not been able to take off. The man, of 83 year old, sustained injuries in a hand, having been transported to the hospital Beja.
The fire occurred when lamp that was on top of cold ark was off, since the room has no light, broke and oil on flames spread to the clothing of the woman and a wooden table.
The flames were dominated by some neighbors who used buckets with water, not having the fire department arrived to act, since they were eradicated.
Councilor of the House Mértola, responsible for Civil Protection, He has been in Picoitos, Santana parish Cambas, and contacted the Santa Casa da Misericordia to the man stay at home, once the couple lives alone in the village, which do not have any family, and because the house does not have housing conditions, where it rains inside.
The warning was given to 15,23 hours and in the rescue operations were 16 operating the Mértola Fire, the immediate support of car life (SIV) Castro Verde, medical vehicle emergency and resuscitation (VMER) de Beja e a GNR, supported by seven vehicles.
Teixeira Correia