Mértola: Five proposals are due Participatory Budget.
The proposed "School More Active", Participatory Budgeting in General (OPG), and "Canoeing for Everyone", Participatory budgeting in Young (OPJ), It was the most voted in this first edition of the Participatory Budgeting Mértola, an initiative in which the population has proposed and chose the projects that the Municipality of Mértola will develop.
In addition to these proposals, They were also approved the construction of the Children's Playground in the Holy Spirit, and "Xitodrómo of Moreanes" in OPG and creation "Young Entrepreneur Award" and promotion of actions to support the young / youth entrepreneurship in OPJ.
The proposal "More Active School" was presented by Regina Mendonça and aims to provide Educational Centers / EB1 existing pedagogical playfulness materials suitable for the development of essential motor skills in their respective age groups of students. Each kit will consist of easy transport and storage materials, given the characteristics of the target population and the existing spaces, and pass through materials kits for the development of motor and various physical abilities. The estimated value for the acquisition of materials is 18.167,03 €.
The second most voted proposal at OPG was the construction of a Children's Park in the Holy Spirit, with an approximate area of 100 m2, located in the outer space of the former Primary School of the Holy Spirit, (property of the Municipality of Mértola).
The construction of this equipment is very important because in the parish of EspÃrito Santo there is no equipment for children. 20 children up to 12 year old, and this number increases on weekends and holidays. The initiative was Joseph Roman and has an estimated cost of 20.000 €.
In third place was the proposed construction of a xitódromo in Moreanes, by Louis Legs. This project involves the construction of a picnic area and a yard for traditional games, an area in the north of Moreanes, near the exit to the Serralhas, to involve the local population and allow stay and leisure and especially design a place with strong regional identity. The value provided for the construction of the equipment is 20.000 €.
"Canoeing for all" was the most voted proposal on OPJ, an initiative of the young canoeist Henrique Domingues, and aims to strengthen the equipment for the initiation and learning canoeing, to make available to educational centers, schools, associations, clubs and other organizations with expertise in this area. The value provided for the acquisition of materials is 9.920 €.
In second place was the proposal to create the "Young Entrepreneur Award" and promotion of actions to support the young / youth entrepreneurship by LuÃs Martins. This aims to carry out awareness-raising activities aimed at all young people in the county, beginning in students the traditional secondary school and vocational school students, going up to young (to 30 year old) wishing to start a new business. The proposal also includes awareness-raising for entrepreneurship to the school and local community, workshops with the school and local community and the Young Entrepreneur Award. The amount proposed for the implementation of the initiative is 10.000 €.