Mértola: Collision between light causes three injured.
The sleep of the driver of a vehicle have been the source of a collision between cars that caused three injured.
Three minor injuries, aged between 27 and 65 years, who refused to be transported to the Beja Hospital, It was the result of a collision between two passenger cars, occurred yesterday, little was after 09,00 hours on the highway (IN) 122, near the town of Algodor, in the Mértola municipality.
Although they were not yet cleared the causes that led to the accident, but everything points to the driver's Seat, of 27 year old, proceeding out of the Algarve, direction south / north, It will be allowed to sleep, having the car invaded the opposite way, reaching Hiunday a couple, him 65 and she 62 year old, bound for Mértola.
Relief effort were 14 operating the Mértola Fire and GNR, supported by 6 Car.
Teixeira Correia