Mértola: Children receive fruit and vegetables in schools.

The Mértola Municipality starts from the last day day 11 November, to distribute, free, fruit and vegetables, twice a week.

They are covered all children attending pre-school and the first cycle of basic education. The initiative will last until the end of this school year will benefit about 116 students from pre-school and 155 students of the first cycle.

Healthy eating is a key factor for the promotion and protection of health, thus, the project School fruit scheme (RFE), carried out jointly by the Ministries of Agriculture and the Sea, of health, and Education and Science, It is the free distribution of two pieces of fruit a week, students of the 1st cycle of basic education, considering, also the application of pedagogical follow-up measures, promoting consumption.

Given the importance of consumption of fruit and vegetables, since early, and considering the duty to spread healthy habits among the population, the Municipality, extended that program, all students from pre-school education of the Mértola municipality.

For products, and whenever possible, are preferably, sites, seasonal and organic.

In addition to the distribution of fruit and vegetables, twice a week, also they are distributed nuts (almonds, nuts, raisins), monthly.

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