Mértola and Odemira: Cameras promote local businesses at Christmas time.
Under the Municipal strategy to encourage shopping at local businesses, the Municipality of Mértola promotes storefronts contest for all establishments of the village museum. Odemira, the municipality promotes the campaign “Christmas is in the Local Trade”, with the holding of a draw.
Or contest, centered Christmas theme, runs from 28 de novembro a 6 January. Interested traders must register for 28 de novembro a 2 January in strategic planning and service development of the City Council. The shop windows in the competition will be identified by a couplet allusive to the contest, with a numeric identifier.
The vote which will take place between 12 of the December 4 of January will be distributed by the jury (70 percent) and the general population, via facebook the House (30 percent).
The winning storefronts receive cash vouchers and purchases for use in local establishments. The results will be announced on 6 January.
Appeal for consumption in the traditional trade is the goal of the campaign "Christmas is the Local Trade", promoted by the municipality of Odemira in partnership with merchants in the county. Will be promoted a drawing for prizes and shopping vouchers to all customers who make purchases in Odemira stores, between days 1 December 2016 and 6 January 2017.
Will be drawn as 1st prize a trip to Cape Verde (Sal Island, 5 days, 4 nights for 2 people), the 2nd prize will be a hybrid laptop and 3rd prize a camera. Will also be raffled shopping vouchers worth 200,00 € (4.First prize), 150,00€ (5.First prize), 100,00€ (6.First prize), 50,00€ (7 of the 13 award) e 30,00€ (14 of the 18 award).
On purchases in establishments within the campaign "Christmas is in the local market", the customer is entitled to share passwords, whereas for purchases between € 10.00 and € 49.99 is assigned 1 password, for purchases between € 50.00 and € 74.99 are assigned 2 passwords and 3 share for purchases passwords worth more than € 75.00.
They are considered valid stamped passwords by traders, indicating the invoice number and correctly filled with customer data.
The draw for the winners will be held on 20 January 2016, Saturday, by 18.00 hours, the building of the Municipality of Paços. Vouchers that granted in the draw can be used in any establishment of traditional trade Odemira, adhering to this campaign, until the day 1 April 2017.