Mértola: Portuguese emigrant killed in Paris was the village of Pinto Court. The case was unknown.

The hundred twenty inhabitants, including the chairman of the Joint Court of Pinto Parish, village which is about 20 kilometers from Mértola, unaware that the Portuguese victims of the attacks in Paris, Colaco was Manuel Dias, an emigrant, Earth's son.

Manuel Colaco Dias_800x800Was the Lidador News (LN) that with a photograph presented to John Venancio, the municipal leader of the parish, that it learned "that the man who died is this, is Manuel Dias ", disse or mayor, Mina de São Domingos, which lived in the hunting group with friends.

Once in the village of Pinto Court, the same scenario. The population knew who had died a Portuguese citizen, natural Mértola, but did not realize it was the village. Ao mostrar a foto a Rui Palma, 64 year old, a retired state, exclaimed this: "I know, It is my childhood friend. It's the son of Manuel Dias "Joaquim Barreno".

After explaining that he had died in the attack, Rui shot: "I had heard the news, but did not know who the person was ", finished. Rui recalls his friend "we walked to school in small. I was with in the village in August, during the holidays. Poor guy does not come back here more ", concluded.

Coffee in Altinho, in the village center, Manuel Afonso Santos, 77 year old, retired farm worker, I drank a glass of red wine and after learning the sad news, blurted.

"I was taken by surprise. I have the house key he has here in the village for sale. I go there every day watering the yard. The sons and brother are to Lisbon ", finished.

In Mina de São Domingos, Manuel Costa was emigre and close friend of Manuel and was saddened by the news: "My called France and Portuguese who live near unaware of his death", adding that the final resting place that met him was in Ebetmy, a locality near the Reims Airport, about what 140 kilometers from Paris.

Manuel Costa remember not day 10 June 1977, was the friend who challenged him to go to a party of Portuguese emigrants and see one Sporting-Benfica. "It was an excellent companion, made good binge ", ends.

The sons of Manuel Colaco Days, when they heard the news headed to Paris, while in the small village of Rosario, municipality of Almodovar, Earth victim's wife's consternation was great.

Who is; Manuel Colaco Days, She was born 28 April 1952, in Corte Pinto, municipality of Mértola. He was married to Elia Maria Gonçalves Dias, has two children, a boy of 34 years and a girl of 32 year old. Emigrant about 40 year old, Manuel Dias was taxi driver.

Teixeira Correia


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