Mértola: Entrepreneur and company judged for undue receipt of subsidy.

Fourth tranche of more than 35 thousand euros, regarding subsidy for a PRODER application, takes businessman and company to court.

A businessman, of 67 year old, and the company that was the only manager, linked to the rural tourism sector, unduly received part of the subsidy from an application made to PRODER, for the construction of a tourism in rural areas, close to São Miguel do Pinheiro, in the Mértola municipality.

At issue is the receipt, in 30 June 2015, of one of four tranches worth more than 35 thousand euros, of a total grant exceeding 179 thousand euros for the construction of the space. According to the indictment order of the public prosecutor (MP) Beja, that the Lidador News (LN) We had access, defendants “obtained payment of the allowance tranche, illicitly.

This had as a condition the completion of the work, and this was not finished ”, justifies the magistrate responsible for the prosecution. Payment of the 35.485,08 euros, presumption of issuing a license to use / permit for tourism purposes, on the assumption of completion of the work, which in fact was not true.

To obtain the license, the defendant presented to the Municipality of Mértola, several documents in which the construction director justified that “the work is completed in accordance with the approved project”, which in fact did not correspond to the truth. To conclude, in addition to several exterior arrangements, the balconies were missing, the completion of the pool and placement of the fireplace inside the dwelling.

The process was investigated by inspectors from the Faro Directorate of the Judicial Police, following a complaint lodged by a third person, the MP accused the two defendants of a crime of fraud in obtaining a subsidy or subsidy, that will be judged using the Singular Court, by virtue of the prosecuting magistrate claiming that “a penalty should not be applied, more than five years' imprisonment ”.

Teixeira Correia


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