Mértola: Book Fair 20 a 26 November.

Mértola gets 20 a 26 November another edition of the Book Fair, an event that annually gives to know the county's population bibliographic news and includes an extensive cultural program with several shows.

MÉRTOLA- view noturna_800x800Editing 2016 will take place in the ancient hall of the town's fire department and is organized by the Municipality of Mértola in collaboration with the Santa Casa da Misericordia de Mértola.

On the first day of the Book Fair will be held a presentation session ASSESTA (Alentejo Writers Association), with the presence of some authors.

The program includes, also, a dance workshop, a poetry and songs show, the launch of the book CPCJ (Protection Commission of Children and Youth) about bullyng, reading sessions and the presentation of the book "My Grandmother Happiness", by Carlos Lefty, among other activities aimed at school audiences and the general public.

The Book Fair is from Monday to Friday working from 9h30 to 20h00 and on Saturday and Sunday from 14h00 to 20h00.

The program is available at www.cm-mertola.pt.

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