Mértola: Book Fair runs until Saturday at the Hall of Fire.

The Fair Mértola book began yesterday and runs until Saturday, day 28 November, an organization of the City Council.

Mértola_800x800For a week the hall of Mértola Fire features a wide range of publications for children and adults.

The fair, as usual, It is complemented by a varied cultural program, with tales sessions, Presentation books, exhibition of drawings and music.

Celebrating the first anniversary of the elevation of the Alentejo Sing the Intangible Heritage of Humanity, UNESCO, will take place on the 27 November, 18h00, an open trial to the population with the Choir of Mértola Guadiana. The program is available at www.cm-Mertola-pt.

CPCJ of Mértola features Calendar 2016 at the Book Fair

The Children and Young Persons Protection Commission of the Mértola municipality (CPCJ), in collaboration with the Mértola Group of Schools and the Municipality of Mértola, edita a Agenda 2016. This year's edition gives the word to children and their answers to the question "Be Happy: Am Happy When .... "

A agenda, para além do objetivo principal ser o despertar a consciência da comunidade em geral para a proteção dos direitos da criança, é também uma forma de assinalar o 26º aniversário da convenção dos Direitos da Criança.

The CPCJ told, once again, with the precious collaboration of the students / the 1st Cycle Mértola Group of Schools, and the respective male and female teachers, by drafting works depicting the theme

Agenda CPCJ 2016 can be purchased at the Book Fair of Mértola, which runs until next day 28 November, in the hall of Mértola Fire or the Commission's headquarters at Rua Professor of Grace Baptist, n.º 1, in Mértola. This has the symbolic value of 2.50 € and the funds raised are passed through to the snacks of disadvantaged students Mértola Group of Schools.

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