Mértola: GNR usa “drone” to locate missing canoeist on the Guadiana River.
A Spanish canoeist, of 38 year old, reported missing in the Guadiana river waters, It found some of 9.20 morning hours Sunday, by GNR and Fire Mértola.
A GNR utilizou um RPAS (Remotely Piloted Aircraft System), air medium unmanned best known for “drone”, Intervention Unit, based in Lisbon, to locate or missing, preparing to put the canoe in the water and head to Mértola at the time was sighted.
Santiago Perez Martin, It was part of a group of three canoeist, natural and living in Huelva (Spain), that on Saturday afternoon were left by families close to the Guadiana Bridge, Serpa, in order to desbravarem the river to Ayamonte, Spanish town located across from Vila Real de Santo António.
José, 29 year old, and Andrés, 24 year old, They gave the alert to the companion's disappearance on Saturday night, after leaving the water Guadiana, in the area of non-navigable fast the Pulo do Lobo. The two men made about 10 kilometers on foot to reach the lot of Amendoeira (Mértola) to ask for help to residents who alerted authorities.
Immediately went to the ground means fire and GNR Mértola. Cerca the 9.20 hours of Sunday morning found the Spaniard to enter the river upstream of the place of Channels, em Corte Gafo, municipality of Mértola. Santiago confided to the authorities now “a rough ride” after leaving to see friends “I was afraid of not surviving. I opened the tent and slept on the Guadiana bank”, justified.
José, one of the companions of Santiago, He confided that the Pulo do Lobo, They came out of the water because it was not navigable. “After we were afraid and we stopped while our companion followed. We were walking and we ask for help. Luckily we are all alive”, said.
After finding Santiago, the authorities allowed the canoeist follow trip to the Azenhas de Mértola, where, cerca the 11 hours, the three friends were found safe and sound. Family of three men waiting on site and transported us then to Huelva.
In searches firefighters had Mértola 10 operational, supported by three cars and a boat. A GNR mobilizou 13 operational, including the three elements that drive the RASP.
Teixeira Correia