Mértola: #MertolaFicaEmCasa…comCultura.
The Municipality of Mértola launches ... # MértolaFicaEmCasa program Culture, an initiative that aims to provide a set of cultural content, activities to do at home, challenges and their suggestions and other cultural agents.
Following contingency measures, the Municipality of Mértola and all other cultural agents in the municipality had to cancel or postpone all the cultural activity already scheduled. We live in difficult and uncertain times.
Unpublished times that require collection, that keep us out of contact with others, with those close to us: family, people, neighbors and community. Times that deprive us of many of the things we used to do before, including, the time devoted to leisure and culture.
We know that the moment highlights other urgencies and focuses the efforts of the City Council on the implementation of measures and programs that attest to the safety and health of all, as well as, your access to essential goods and services. Yet, inside the possible, we are reorganizing to bring security to all homes, also a little bit of Culture.
Weekly, the new cultural agenda with the publications # MértolaFicaEmCasa… com Cultura will be available on facebook, twitter, instagram and Mértola City Council website and Visit Mértola.
The City Council expects, this way, also be a company and minimize this social and cultural isolation to which we were voted as a community. It's a small contribution, but the little things win, at this time, greater importance.
Each will have to do their part. Protect-yourself, protect your, protect us all. We are together. Come on get. Until then # MértolaFicaEmCasa… also with Culture!