Mértola: Municipality has Islamic Festival 2019.
The Municipality of Mértola will present the 10th edition of the Islamic Festival to be held in 2019.
The presentation will take place on Saturday, day 19 May, 21h30, in the churchyard of the Church of Mértola. In addition to the graphic image of the next edition, the Festival will announce some new program which is in preparation.
The presentation of Mértola Islamic Festival is integrated into the Festival Mur, which takes place this weekend in Mértola.
The Islamic Festival project was born in 2001 and is conducting biannual and from the beginning it has assumed a role of fundamental importance in the local economy.
Islamic Festival 2017, He ended early due to strong gale.
The Islamic Festival 2017, took place between 17 and 21 de mauio, and ended abruptly, on the last day of its completion due to a strong storm that hit Mértola.
Thousands of people were evacuated from the Islamic Festival Mértola, that it followed in the historic center of that village, due to a storm that caused damage also in other locations.
A strong and persistent wind wreaked havoc on several tents and a housing, achieved by a lamp, this Sunday, in Mértola.
“It is a very strong wind that has caused havoc in various structures”, said at the time the LN the commander of Mértola Fire, José Palma, referring to the presence of thousands of people at festival.
“No injuries”, said José Palma. Fearing that the storm could cause more damage and even personal injury, the organization gave the festival closed, cerca the 15.30 Hour Sunday.
Fire department, GNR and municipal employees helped evacuate the historic center of Mértola, which stemmed the 9th edition of the Islamic Festival.
Ironically, the boat that makes trips on the Guadiana, named “Gale”, He went ashore, unable to navigate the choppy waters of the river, due to the strong storm that is felt in Mértola and other places in the district.
The Mur Festival program is available at www.cm-mertola.pt.
Teixeira Correia