Mértola: Gastronomic week (18 a 24 May) and Festival (23 and 24 May) the tuber.
The Parish Council of Mértola, promotes Gastronomic Week tubera happens 18 a 24 March and Festival, on days 23 and 24 March, the multipurpose tent Mértola.
The week before the Festival tubera, the Board of Mértola Town, together with the village restaurants, promotes Gastronomic Week tubera, an initiative providing information about one of the most important traditional products of the county, known as the white truffle.
The Gastronomic Week tubera happens 18 a 24 March and Festival, on days 23 and 24 March, the multipurpose tent Mértola.
The participating restaurants (confirmed: The Brazilian, Corner and Wall) They bet on traditional dishes in which tubers are the featured ingredient, like truffles with eggs, with beans or lamb.
The initiative is included in the I Festival tubera Mértola, organized by the parish of Mértola.
Túberas: The truffles Alentejanas
The truffles or túbaras is a variety of existing truffles with a certain predominance in the Alentejo and Ribatejo. Aromatically it is less intense than the truffles, having a very smooth and delicate flavor. The truffles are a closely guarded secret and most Portuguese unaware of this delicacy. The secret of his picks is passed from father to son.
The time of harvesting of tubers usually begins in late February and ends in early May. Usually those who catches do it for own consumption, freezing them when they are not consumed in the immediate days after the catch.
The tubers although the family of truffles are far less intense than these and therefore must have some care in its preparation. Fundamentally should be combined with ingredients whose flavors are not very strong so that its delicate aromas are not overshadowed.
Text (Túberas, The truffles Alentejanas): Rui Pereira Barradas / reservarecomendada.blogspot.com