Mértola: Workshop Food Network site in the days 14 and 15 January.
A Mine S. Sundays and Mértola receive on Monday and Tuesday, the Food Network Workshop Location, “For a base feed, seasonal and Mediterranean”.
The Municipality of Mértola, in partnership with the Land Association Sintrópica, the Guadiana Valley Business Association and Food Network Academy organism, on days 14 and 15 January, an international workshop dedicated to the issue of food sovereignty, for the implementation of a Food Network site in the county Mértola.
The aim is to rediscover the heritage and the traditional local knowledge about food and establish contacts with food networks and experts from other countries (Switzerland, Spain and Nepal). Identify areas of mutual learning and sharing experiences among food webs from different places of the globe.
discuss models, concrete implementation of solutions and potential business opportunities for local producers.
The focus of the first day of the program will be around the edible perennials and wild resources as the Indian fig and acorn. Foods that have been wasted and that were part of the traditional diet of the territory.
In the second day, the focus will be around the practical implementation of the food Mértola network project. The morning will be devoted to visit some of the gardens adhering to the project and the evening will be to define the implementation plan of a local network of production and distribution of fruit and vegetable supply for collective catering canteens (homes, schools and other).