District of Beja is under yellow warning this Saturday due to forecast showers, occasionally strong and may be accompanied by thunderstorms and hail, IPMA reported today.
This warning issued by the Portuguese Institute of the Sea and Atmosphere (IPMA) and predicts very cloudy skies and showers for today on the continent, sometimes strong and accompanied by thunderstorms in the center and south, decreasing in intensity and frequency from the afternoon onwards.
The yellow warning, the least severe on a scale of three, is issued whenever there is a risk situation for certain activities depending on the weather situation.
Balance of occurrences between 15,30 noon yesterday and 08,00 pm today
The Baixo Alentejo Sub-Regional Emergency and Civil Protection Command (CSREPCBA) sent information related to Adverse Meteorology by Municipality in the Baixo Alentejo Sub-Region, in the period described above, where there was 15 occurrences:
Alvito: 4 floods, Ferreira do Alentejo: 7 tree falls and Mértola: 4 road cleaning.
The CSREPCBA reported that so far there has been no victim resulting from events related to Adverse Meteorological conditions..
The heavy rain that fell in the Mértola area completely flooded the synthetic pitch at the Municipal Stadium (top photo). During the Saturday morning, Municipal Services drained the water. The game is between Guadiana de Mértola and FCSerpa “B”, district championship of the second division to be played this afternoon will take place.
Remember that in Beja the incident recorded in the former Civil Government building, there was no firefighter intervention: https://lidadornoticias.pt/mau-tempo-protecao-civil-chamou-a-protecao-civil-ao-edificio-do-antigo-governo-civil-de-beja/
Teixeira Correia