Mina de São Domingos / Mértola: VII Mineiro Meeting of St. Dominic.
VII Meeting Miner S. Sundays, an event that celebrates the ancient miners, the history and heritage of the S Mine. Sundays.
The event takes place between today and Sunday, of 8 a 10 June, an organization of Serrão Martins Foundation, Municipality of Mértola and EDM - Mining Development Company, SADDLE.
The meeting this year begins with the creative activity Mina, no Republican Center 5 October, brainstorming exercise to develop an eco-creative project, na Mina de S. Sundays. 18h00, no movie theater gives Mine S. Sunday will take place the inauguration of the photo exhibition of Gaston Brito e Silva "Ruin'arte. At night movies initiative with talk is back with the film "Cinema Paradise", Musical in the building.
The second day program starts with a photographic script with Gaston Brito e Silva, which is followed by a triangular tournament veteran football. at 15:00, no Republican Center 5 October, It held an open conversation about urban regeneration of the town and at 20.00 the municipal initiative "Evening Market" recalls the spring of foods with the musical entertainment of the Savoy group Trio.
The third day of the meeting recalls the former miners with a mission in his honor in the Church of the Mine D. Sundays. The Bandstand, at 17:00, Band concert is the stage of the Philharmonic Society cubense 1 December. The Mineiro Meeting ends with the presentation of the film "The Life Here's View?", Filipe Carvalho.
The meeting has the support of the Association Lives with Claw, Parish of Mértola, S. Sunday Football Club and Board of Pinto Court of Parish,
The program is available at www.cm-mertola.pt