Mina de São Domingos - Treatment of Acidic Water Facilities at Pilot Using Bioremediation Process " .

In Mina de São Domingos, in Serrão Martins Foundation, It will take place today from 9:30 a presentation entitled "Mina de São Domingos - Treatment of Acidic Water Facilities at Pilot Using Bioremediation Process".

A meeting that will be attended by representatives of the institutions that integrate the project Biometal DEMO - "Biometal demonstration plant for the biological rehabilitation of metal bearing wastewaters", financed by the European Community under the FP7 Program / 2007-2013.

The presentation will include a visit to the pilot plant developed by LCW Consult and located at the Wastewater Treatment Plant of the São Domingos Mine.

The Biometal DEMO project is a community project developed in order to study and test water treatment innovative processes with heavy metals, including, Acid mine drainage water, as the Mina de São Domingos.

Initially they were studied by Marine Science Research Center, University of Salamanca, University of Madrid and ARMINES alternative treatment processes of waters of São Domingos Mine, which subsequently led to the implementation of pilot plants for measuring and optimization of the results obtained at laboratory scale.

The presentation aims to present the results obtained so far in Biometal DEMO project concerning the treatment of acidic waters of Mina de São Domingos and provide participants with a guided tour of the pilot plant in operation since April 2017.

In the pilot plant to be tested is a process of acid mine water bioremediation with sulphate reducing bacteria developed at laboratory scale CCMAR. It is a simple process, low cost, able to remove metals and sulfate concentrations to below the maximum values ​​recommended by Portuguese Law to irrigation water.

The implementation of the pilot plant had the collaboration of the Municipality of Mértola and the Alentejo Águas, which temporarily gave the space required in the infrastructure of the São Domingos Mine Wastewater Treatment Plant.

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