Mina de São Domingos: VI Mineiro Meeting of St. Dominic, days 9 and 10 June.

The Serrão Martins Foundation and the Municipality of Mértola promote the days 9 and 10 June the VI Meeting Miner S. Sundays, an initiative that celebrates, with a diverse program of activities, the heritage and traditions of the mining village.

The first day of the miner meeting program includes a visit to the industrial complex, the conference "The Iberian Pyrite Belt - Present and Future", presentation of the book and photo exhibition "Steel Coal", Adriano Miranda and the announcement of the launch of the 2nd phase of the work of upgrading the miner's park. Sundays. On 10, Saturday, the program starts with a Mass in honor of the former miners, which is followed by the initiative "hands-on" and a traditional dance.

The Mineiro Meeting has the support of the Association Lives with Claw, Dark Sky Alqueva, Mining Development Company, Parish of Mértola, Parish Council of Pinto Court and map of Mines and Mining and Geological Points of Interest in Portugal.

Book and Photography Exhibition “Carvão de Aço” by Adriano Miranda at Mina de S. Sundays

The presentation of the book and exhibition at S Mine. Sundays, what happens to 9 June, by 13:00, Cineteatro in the building, It integrates the VI Meeting Miner program organized by the Foundation Serrão Martins and Municipality of Mértola. in the presentation, Adriano Miranda has the presence and introductory words of Professor Cláudio Torres, the Mértola Archaeological Site.

"Steel Coal" the photojournalist Adriano Miranda, brings together a set of photographs in black and white, on the daily lives of Mines Pejão, Castelo de Paiva, enclosed from 1994. According to the author, the book and exhibition "Steel Coal" "is above all a tribute, a gesture of gratitude "to the community of miners" have body and spirit steel, always very proud of his work and its history ".

This visual and dramatic narrative of mine is common to many other mining realities of the country and the honor extends to all faces that over time built the history and memory of the miners territories.

The exhibition will be open in Cineteatro S Mine. Sunday until 29 June.

The VI Meeting Miner program is available at www.cm-mertola.pt.

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