Montalegre: House protocol does now for sale 125 tons of potatoes.
Meeting between House Montalegre, Coop Barroso and entrepreneur for the potato sale, ends with signing an agreement. Protocol will put 125 tons of the county's potato market.
Montalegre Chamber, Barroso Agricultural Cooperative (Coop Barroso) and a food business entrepreneur met this week. The meeting resulted in a cooperation protocol for the sale of 125 tons of Agria potato, a number that could double in the following year. This is how another impetus for local dynamism is created with a view to making one of the noblest products of Barro's gastronomy more profitable..
If everything goes as planned, from September onwards, more than 100 tons of potato produced in the municipality of Montalegre. A number that promises to double, in the next year, involving individuals since this year the production is in charge, exclusively, Barroso Agricultural Cooperative (Coop Barroso).
The news came from a meeting held this week between the Municipality of Montalegre, Coop Barroso and businessman LuĂs Veiga, main face of the company Veiga Alimentar – Manufacture and Distribution of Food Products, Lda.
Orlando Alves, President of the Chamber of Montalegre, further on that «we are working on recovering Barroso's identity, closely associated with potato production ». The mayor recognizes that the municipality should not have made “such a wide gap” to the point that “we almost lost this emblem”. However, underlines Orlando Alves, «We still have time to recover it» as long as there is «good will from the Barroso producers», a fact that "is happening", ensures.
Rui Duarte, President of Cooperativa AgrĂcola do Barroso, explains the steps: «the potato will be produced on the lands of Quinta da Veiga, Montalegre, and transport will be provided by the Chamber». As for sales values, Rui Duarte unveils: 'a price per kilo has been established which may change. This year they are €0.20 for every kilo of potato, in december it goes to €0.21, January €0.22 and in February €0.23». The potato 'on the day it is grubbed up goes immediately to the warehouse of destination, does not go through the bagging phase», concludes.
Teixeira Correia