Moura: The Chamber will start to study to explore the "Moura Baths".

The Municipality of Moura signed with the State the Third Addendum to the contract signed in 12 May 2006, Attached to the local authority the exploitation of "Moura Baths", that exist within the Jardim Doutor Santiago.

In space, which is located in the vicinity of the building of the County Hall and the Castle of the "Salúquia City", there are spa with 178 hectares, with mineral and medicinal waters, indicated for treatment of rheumatism and colitis.

The addendum to the contract published in "Official Gazette" last day 11 October, grants to the municipality 48 months, to carry out all the studies and work necessary for the technical and economic viability of resource exploitation.

The amendment to the contract allows the municipality "start, within three months, the action to define the technical and economic viability of the use of natural mineral water, and these should be completed within 12 months ".

The city council has six months to obtain natural mineral water in conditions that allow to initiate medical-hydrological study. To make this possible, inside the castle, site through which a spring of spa, a specialized company hired by the city, will install a temporary funding to make the water analysis.

Within the same period, mourense the city council must run a pilot project of thermal establishment, that once approved by the Health General Directorate, It must be completed in 30 months.

Before starting the operation of "Moura Baths", the local authority must have completed the construction of a new definitive resort.

The Executive of the City Council not yet made known what amounts to be invested in the recovery of thermal space that is at the center of Moura.

water Castello

It is one of the oldest Portuguese brands bottling and distribution of mineral water, which was founded in 1899 the company Ãguas de Moura. In 2011, the company opened its own museum, Water Museum of Castello.

In August 2019, Central Society of Beers and Drinks purchased 100% the capital of Portugal Mineraqua, which holds the concession and Water Castello brand, to a group of private investors led by Creative Capital.

Teixeira Correia


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