Moura: Star Village elected “Village of Dreams 2019”.
Aldeia da Estrela, in the municipality of Moura, He was elected “Village of Dreams 2019”, a program sponsored and organized by INATEL Foundation, the sixth consecutive year, directed the villages under 100 population.
This initiative, It aims to contribute to the social development of isolated communities and small, not only through the experience of friendship moments, learning and sharing of experiences that have been, In so many cases, only in their lives; but also because it is desired that the villages are part of the tourist itineraries that INATEL organizes in its activity, with the consequent promotion of the local economy and territory.
Main goal, through program execution, It is intended to provide its beneficiaries the realization of a "dream" in terms of tourist-oriented activities, culture and sports that they understand as part of a set of experiences that do not have or never had access, face the limitations of various orders, such as, for example, financial or geographical.
The Star is a village in the municipality of Moura, sub-region of Baixo Alentejo. Its territory is part of the San Miguel de Varzim Parish of, from what is 6 km. Before erected on a small rise (said lot Alentejo) and surrounded by other hills, now submerged by the Alqueva, where people kept their animals, is seen now as a peninsula. The Star is a riverside village, having been located in a peninsula surrounded by the backwater alqueva. consisting of 50 permanent residents, It is one of the aging populations in the county.
Your location, isolation and simplicity give this place a special charm, full of tourist potential. Great place for water sports, picnic or just enjoy the scenery and tranquility. It is a heavenly place, with magnificent landscapes and where we can breathe calm and tranquility Alentejo.
The application of the Star Village of Dreams 2019 It was presented by the city of Moura, and the formalization of this appointment will take place in the Social Gala INATEL, to make no next day 22 October, the Trinity Theater INATEL, in Lisbon.
Editions "Dream Village" promoted from 2014 by INATEL Foundation
Dream Village | 2014: Ouguela (Campo Maior municipality, District of Portalegre). 60 residents had the opportunity to enjoy a tourist and cultural program in Lisbon.
Dream Village | 2015: São Miguel do Pinheiro, in the Mértola municipality, no Beja district. 70 people staged a tourist and cultural two-day visit to the Minho region and the city of Porto.
Dream Village | 2016: Rio de Onor, the county and the district of Bragança. 50 residents had the opportunity to conduct a tourist and cultural program in the city of Lisbon.
Dream Village | 2017: Rio de Mel, in Oliveira do Hospital and district of Coimbra. 40 inhabitants benefited from a tourist and cultural program in the city of Lisbon.
Dream Village | 2018: Penhaforte, in the county of Pinhel and Guarda district. 40 residents will hold a cruise on the Douro river and a tourist and cultural program in Guimaraes and Porto cities.