Moura: André Linhas Roxas CDU candidate for the Chamber.

André Linhas Roxas is head of list of the CDU to the Municipality of Moura. He is an alderman in the Opposition.

CDU revealed in a statement that it decided to appoint André Albino Linhas Roxas, as candidate for the presidency of the Municipality of Moura.

The Coalition maintains that “the development path of our municipality, has to be resumed. If the latter 4 years served for something, was to demonstrate, completely clear and transparent, that the CDU is the only force holding a project that, in a sustained way, inclusive, consistent and professional, allows us to have a future, with hope!”.

André Linhas Roxas was Head of Planning and Urban Administration Division in the Municipality of Moura, no period between 2010 and 2017. Currently, is Head of the Environment Unit, Planning and Urbanism in the Municipality of Cuba and Councilor without responsibility, elected by the CDU, in the Municipality of Moura.

In the local elections of 2017, or PS (Álvaro Azedo) won with 48,34%, a CDU (José Maria Post-de-Mina) reached 39,33%, or PSD (Joao Francisco Guerreiro) stayed by 7,95% and the CDS (Inês Camacho) did not go beyond 1,20%.

Since the first elections in 1976, the Moura Chamber has already met 9 presidents: Armando Almeida Manso (2 year old) 1976-1978, Luis Antonio Ramos (1) 1978-1979, Manuel Romana Ângelo (6) 1979-1985, António Oliveira Lamas (4) 1985-1989, José Simões Duarte (2) 1989-1991, Manuel Vitorino Master (6) 1991-1997, José Maria Post Mine (16) 1997-2013, Santiago Ferreira Macias (4) 2013-2017 and Álvaro José Pato Azedo (4) 2017-2021.

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