Moura: Mayor of Chega fired shotgun at foreign family due to racial hatred.

The member of Freguesia de Moura made xenophobic comments in discussion with a man from Kurdistan, who has Swedish nationality and passed through the Alentejo with his wife and seven children.

According to the online edition of the Journal News (JN), Vitor Ramalho, Mayor of Chega at Póvoa de São Miguel Parish Assembly, in the Alentejo municipality of Moura, district of Beja, was detained by the Judiciary Police (PJ) after shooting shotgun against a Swedish family. victims are a couple – the man from Kurdistan and the Swedish woman – and seven minor children.

In a statement, the PJ stated, yesterday, that the suspect's motivation was “apparently determined by racial hatred”.

Vitor Ramalho, newly elected member of the Parish Assembly for the mandate 2021-25, is suspected of a felony aggravated homicide, the attempted form, but was not present to an investigating judge. Because the Public Ministry of Moura did not promote other measures of coercion beyond the term of identity and residence. for that reason, yet, the defendant was immediately released.

The president of Chega has already made public "repudiate any act of violence", much less inside Enough, mentioned André Ventura.

Photo: Paulo Spranger/ Global Images.

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