Moura: Microenterprise Reception Center with all workshop spaces occupied.

The Microenterprise Reception Center de Moura (CAMM) It has occupied all workshop spaces.

A note of the Municipality of Moura realizes that a new contract for the installation of a company in the Reception Center of the Micro Moura (CAMM) It was signed earlier this week. This is a company engaged in the trade of personal hygiene materials and industrial.

With this installation, the six workshop spaces that CAMM offers are busy.

In addition to the new company, They are installed to Deco'Clock, design and production company for decorative pieces and merchandising; the Magana - Craft Brewing, Lda., craft beer production company; Newcar the Moura / Beja, glass replacement company in motor vehicles; and Distinguished Proportion, Sole, Lda., trading company retail office supplies, telecommunications activities Wired and satellite and tourist and recreational animation activities.

Managed and promoted by the Municipality of Moura and the municipal company Logic, o CAMM, hosting infrastructure and business incubation, supports the installation of companies based in the county.

In CAMM are currently available office space installation. Facilities for new companies perform to zero cost, a measure of support and encouragement to the business community.

The CAMM Company VII will be present in Fair, next May Fair, which runs from 11 a 14 this month, promoting the installed companies and the spaces available.

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