Moura: Five new cases of Covid-19 in place of Margaçal. There 39 in the county.

The Municipal Civil Protection Service of Moura (SMPCM) revealed this Thursday that five new cases of Covid-19 were confirmed in place of Margaçal.

Are now 38 those infected in two population groups of Roma communities. There is another case, a woman who had contact with the first infected in the Espadanal, in a clinical session.

On the Espadanal website there are registered 32 positive cases, 17 children and youth and 15 in adults, among a population of 59 people, while in Margaçal there are, at least, six infected, between 13 people.

According to a note from the SMPCM, in the second of five places where Roma people live, “In tests carried out on the whole community, 6 cases were positive, 3 were inconclusive and 4 were negative.

The first positive case at the Margaçal site was detected last Monday and occurred with a woman of 51 year old, that in view of the worsening of the symptoms, was transported to the José Joaquim Fernandes Hospital, in Beja, ending up not being hospitalized. At the end of Tuesday afternoon, the clinical picture changed again and the woman returned to the hospital, carried by the Volunteer Firefighters of Moura.

The Margaçal community remains confined, according to the indications of the Public Health Authority, this determination being, as well as the security of the space to be guaranteed by the National Republican Guard.

The first case of Covid-19 detected in Moura occurred on the 4 April, in a Roma individual living in the Espadanal, who felt bad after returning from a session at the Hemodialysis Unit of Hospital de Beja, where it would end up being transported, meanwhile having been transferred to the Évora Hospital. Subsequently, tests were performed on the entire community, having been detected more 31 infetados.

But not everything has been peaceful in Moura with the Roma community. Last Saturday the residents of Vale do Touro, refused to perform the Covid-19 tests, that the Public Health Unit (USP) the Local Health Unit of Baixo Alentejo (ULSBA) had decided to effect during that weekend. Saturday would be children and Sunday, adults.

The decision of the Public Health Unit (USP) in testing the said community, located at 3 kilometers from the Alentejo city and where they live 70 gypsy people, was due to the fact that she has direct contact with a pregnant woman, who tested positive for the new coronavirus.

But the Alentejo city has two more locations, the stadium, next to the football field and the Girassol, where they live about 70 members of Roma communities and where there are no signs of any Covid-19 case, but where screening tests may be carried out.

In this Thursday's report released by the Directorate-General for Health, in the municipality of Moura are considered positive 29 cases, away from 39 that were released by the Municipal Civil Protection Service of Moura, coordinated by the Mayor, the socialist, Álvaro Azedo.

Teixeira Correia


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