Moura: Vocational School students launch document advocacy
“We want better conditions in Moura Vocational School!”, It is the title of a document / undersigned, issued by the students of the Vocational School Moura and will sent to the Government, Chamber of Moura and Comoiprel.
Os estudantes do ensino profissional têm sofrido vários ataques aos seus direitos. O ensino profissional tem de ser encarado no sistema educativo nacional pelo seu papel estratégico para o paÃs para a formação de estudantes que venham a ser trabalhadores qualificados e com direitos, respecting their full training.
The dignity of this teaching approach is often perverted, not focusing on quality and the conditions of education and vocational schools, favoring before the interests of companies have hand-to-work "quickly and to your needs" and raise funding for national programs and the European Union.
There are many problems we face as a demanding workload; hundreds of internship hours (in proliferating abuse and internships outside the training area); devaluation of theoretical and sometimes lack of conditions for more practical training; limitations on the participation in the school's democratic life is in student associations, general meetings of students or other student activities; system faults and replacement classes and modules (even when the absences are justified);are some of the serious problems we students of vocational education, We face every day.
As a result of these problems, students of Moura Vocational School face problems and attacks on their rights,such as lack of transport students who live in Pias zone they have to come to school.
In the third period it was canceled the transport that brought students from Pias to Moura Vocational School, due to this cancellation was funded students a subsidy for school pass.
However the pass amount is paid after the student pay shipping, there being for all students to pay in advance the conditions.
Allied to the above problems is necessary to have a road network that will suppress the needs of students. The current transport network does not support the needs of students!
It does not have to be so, You can not go on. we want to participate, we want to study in conditions, demand solutions: Um regime de faltas injusto, guaranteeing the right to school holidays; O fim da reposição de aulas e módulos; Redução da carga horária; Mais financiamento para a Escola Profissional de Moura; Pagamento antecipado do subsidio do passe para todos, assim como o pagamento antecipado dos custo de frequência de estagio e Rede de Transportes que permita suprimir as necessidades dos estudantes.