Moura: Technical former director of Home of Amareleja, sentenced to a fine for breach of trust.
The former technical director of Home Dr. Domingos Pulido Garcia was sentenced yesterday in Moura Court to a fine of 2.275 euros, the embezzlement crime, e a indemnização de 6.726 Social Center euros Amareleja.
Carla Sandra Carreto Martins, former technical director of Home Dr. Domingos Pulido Garcia do Centro Social de Amareleja, municipality of Moura, He was sentenced yesterday, by the Court of the city, a penalty of 2.275 euro by embezzlement crime. It was also ordered to pay 6.726 euros to the institution, as compensation.
The defendant, 45 year old, He was charged with a breach of trust of crime, making their amounts of home, resulting from payment of tuition fees paid by users of several services and other document subtraction, by, supposedly, have led lefties of issued receipts and not recorded in the accounts.
According to the indictment, between January 2005 and May 2006, the defendant will have seized amounts of 62 users, value not exceeding 39.090,93 euros, that have deposited, depositing sent or, in its accounts. In sentencing the magistrate did not yield as proven that the defendant have been to take triplicates of issued receipts, since "no witnesses proved in particular have seen the defendant take the same", for what was acquitted of the document subtraction crime.
As for the missing funds the judge only gave as proven, which were deposits in Carla Martins account, no value 6.726,46 euros, so the frame sentence "fell" of imprisonment for fine. So it was convicted in penalty 350 fine days, at the rate of 6,50 euros/ dia, total no 2.275 euros.
The defendant was suspended from duties in September 2006 and subsequently fired. The dismissal of illegality appealed to the Labor Court of Beja, which came in with an injunction and two complaints against the social center of Amareleja, cases where it was not recognized because.
When Lidador News (LN), the lawyer of the Social Center, which constituted assistant in the process, He said that "I will read the judgment and consider an appeal before the Court of Appeal".
Teixeira Correia