Moura: Fire caused major damage to the Santo Aleixo Church restoration.
A fire depending on where you sell and burning candles, consumed on Saturday morning, various divisions of the church of Santo Aleixo da Restoration, municipality of Moura, caused considerable damage and losses.
the flames, whose origins are still unknown, consumed several pieces of sacred art, some furniture and various goods stored on the premises.
The fire broke out, little was after 08,00 Saturday, and it began to be opposed by the local population, with immediately, against the many combustible materials, taken high proportions and only the prompt intervention dosa Moura Firefighters, He avoided the destruction of the building completely.
Facilities affected by the fire are contiguous to the chapel and was greatly affected by the flames, smoke and water from the fire fighting.
The construction of the church of Santo Aleixo da Restoration, on the 1683 and it is classified as a national monument.
The Party Committee of Tomina, responsible for the annual festivities in August, in honor of Our Lady of Needs, He issued a statement which reveals that even "if it ignores the extent of damage to the building underwent, making an appeal to the population to "support to recover our church", Remata.
In fighting the flames were 13 operating of Moura Fire and GNR, supported by 4 Car.
Teixeira Correia