Moura: Manos "exchange" identities, but do not avoid trial for attempted murder.

A discussion led to an assault weapon with a street Moura. At the time two brothers "exchanged" identities, but do not avoid trial for attempted murder. There was a first trial in 2015, which led to the extraction of a certificate by prosecutors.

Four years and four months after the stabbing of a citizen in Moura streets, a Collective Court of the Central Criminal Court of Beja, will judge the true author of the facts, after a trial in January 2015, where an individual took over brother, the commission of a felony murder in the attempted form.

During the hearing the victim, this identified Anthony P., who attended the trial in the room, as the true author, having judges acquitted the accused of the charges and claims made, drawing a certificate delivered to the Public Prosecutor, to reverse the charge.

Now Anthony P., It will be judged by a qualified crime of murder in the attempted form, and his brother Flavio P., for a crime of slanderous denunciation, since he had part of the victim criminally, Nelson V., by this supposedly assaulting the public highway.

The facts on trial occurred on 26 January 2015, When Anthony was involved in a discussion with Nelson, motivated by a car repair. Following the defendant discussion dealt a blow to the left side of the victim's abdomen and one in the back area.

After Antonio assaults went to a group of friends and handed Flavio knife, having this taken before the GNR who had been the author of aggression, situation was unclear as though Nelson was transported to the Beja Hospital.

Five months later Flavio presented criminal complaint against Nelson arguing that the day of the stabbing, It would have been threatened with death by the latter and was a result of those facts that struck two blows on the individual.

In the trial in January 2017, in addition to identifying the true author of the aggression was not Antonio Flavio and that the complaint against Nelson did not correspond to the truth.

Following the certificate extraction prosecutors Beja opened another process and accused the two brothers, one for the offense of aggravated homicide in the way and attempted another crime of slanderous denunciation.

Anthony still faces three civil actions on the part of the Lower Alentejo Local Health Unit and the victim, Nelson V.

The first claims payment of the amount of 1.533 euros, the victim of hospital care. The second requires the payment of 20 euro in property damage and 7.500 euro in case of personal injury, the three applications all together with default interest.

Teixeira Correia


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