Moura: Municipality with a budget of around 37 million euros for this year.

The Municipal Assembly of Moura approved the Major Options of the Plan and the Budget for the year 2025, which presents an overall value of 36.980.105,00 euros.

The documents were approved with 12 favorable votes (11 do PS, 1 of the independent movement ATU’Amareleja), 9 abstentions (7 CDU and 2 Enough) and 2 votes to (Enough).

The Major Planning Options for 2025-2029 and the Budget for the year 2025, are the guiding instrument for carrying out the activity of the Municipality.

The current year will be marked by the continuity of projects already started and the advancement of new initiatives aligned with the major options of the current mandate. Among the priority projects for 2025, stand-: the requalification of the Moura Health Center; update of the Interadministrative Cooperation Contract for the requalification works of the Public Security Police station; rehabilitation of the space of the old Esplanada Mercedes; completion of the construction of the Póvoa de São Miguel Mortuary House; structural reinforcement of section no. 2 of the Modern Walls of Moura; revision / update of the Water Networks Remodeling Execution Project, of Domestic Wastewater and Rainwater Wastewater in Amareleja and Sobral da Adiça; rehabilitation of sidewalk pavements in Safara and Santo Aleixo da Restauração; improvement of streets and paving in the municipality and the rehabilitation of the Lameirões Municipal Path.

In the area of ​​Housing, the Local Housing Strategy will be continued, through the implementation of measures that ensure access to housing, namely through urban rehabilitation, housing rental and qualification of accommodation. With regard to territorial planning, the approval and entry into force of the review of the PDM – Municipal Master Plan will be one of the major goals, constituting an essential instrument for the management and sustainable development of municipal territory.

Lastly, support for the Associative Movement remains a priority, strengthening support for Volunteer Firefighters and working in close collaboration with the parishes of the municipality.

Source: Municipality of Moura

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