The Municipality of Moura will present the School and Civic Merit Awards, referring to the school year 2020/2021, in Moura and Yellow.
In Yellow, prizes will be delivered on friday, 8 October, to 10:00, in the Integrated Basic School. in Moura, the ceremony will take place on saturday, 9 October, to 16:00, at the Caridade Cineteatro.
This year will be distinguished 16 students with the School Merit Award and 57 students with the Civic Merit Award. The ceremonies will feature cultural moments, streamlined by students from different schools in the county.
Due to DGS standards, the ceremonies will still be restricted, and distinguished students can be accompanied by two relatives.. For this reason, Galas will be broadcast, live, on Facebook of the Municipality of Moura.
The Municipal Civic Merit Award is an activity financed under the scope of PESIM – Educational Plan for Success and Innovation in Moura and aims to recognize the work of students in the 2nd and 3rd cycles and secondary, in class or group context, that are distinguished by their participation in civic and social projects within or outside school.