Take place tomorrow, participatory assemblies to collect application forms in person, under the Participatory Budget 2024, under the theme Technological Innovation, Administrative Modernization and Simplification.
Each session will last for 45 minutes, the following times and locations are scheduled: • Star: 09:00 – Residents' association • Póvoa: 10:10 – Parish Council • Amareleja: 11:30 – Parish Council • Santo Aleixo da Restauração: 14:00 – Parish Council • Sobral da Adiça: 15:20 – Parish Council • Safara: 16:30 – Parish Council • Santo Amador: 17:30 – Parish Council • Moura: 19:00 – Cine-Teatro Caridade Moura’s Participatory Budget (OPMM) is an initiative of the Moura City Council.
It is a participatory democracy mechanism, which gives citizens the power to decide how public budgets should be invested, allowing them to submit proposals and determine, through public voting, the winning projects.
In 2024, the Moura Participatory Budget will have a financial allocation of €20,000, each proposal cannot exceed €5,000 including VAT at the current legal rate.
All citizens aged equal to or over can participate in the OPMM. 16 year old, what, proven to be natural, reside, study or work in the municipality of Moura, individually or on behalf of an informal group, of educational establishments or the associative movement.
Examples of eligible expenses include actions using online platforms, hardware e software, technological applications and varied workshops on technological and administrative innovation and everything that the proponent considers, that fits the OPMM theme 2024 and comply with the budget allocated to each project.
The Moura City Council counts on everyone's participation so that it is possible to build a better future, promoting innovation and efficiency in administrative processes.