Moura: Published tender for the Bus Terminal adaptation of works.
It has been published in the Official Gazette of the procedure No announcement 8631/2019, concerning the contract for the adaptation of the old road-Rail station at Central Intermodal (Bus terminal) and landscaping.
A obra, which has a deadline of 180 days, includes rehabilitation works of buildings to the structural level, new technical infrastructure, waterproofing, isolations, coverage, masonry, demolitions, Cantarias, Jackets, carpintarias, serralharias, paintings, outside jobs floors, electricity and ITUR.
That way, beyond the value of the building, in order to reverse the current state of degradation, this intervention aims to create conditions to encourage greater use of public transport means and intermodality between different means of transport.
The deadline for submission of proposals due to the 18 horas do dia 12 September 2019, and the value, the base price of the procedure, 606.319,29 euros. It should be noted that this investment benefits from the ERDF co-financing rate 85%, through the Regional Operational Program Alentejo - Alentejo 2020.