Moura: Heritage Week, of 18 a 25 May.

The Municipality of Moura is conducting Week Heritage, initiative that aims to promote and foster the different small museums and disseminate local heritage.

To achieve these objectives, the municipality has prepared a program with different activities that began yesterday, date on which marked the International Museum Day, with the performance of children's choirs of the new gate and Seven and a Half, no Lagar de Varas do Once, to 20:30.

To 25 May, result two initiatives: "Painting History" - studio paintings with natural pigments, at the Museum of Sacred Art, for pupils of the 1st year of primary school; and guided tours of the exhibition "Water, Heritage Moura: identification of a county ", the Municipal Museum, for students of preschool education.

On 20 May, to 16:00, the Cine-Teatro Charity, It carried out the children's theater "The Three Musketeers". On the same day, entre as 21:30 e as 23:00, the museum sections of the city will be open to the public, for the "Night of Museums", which will also with a viola concert by João Nunes, the Church of São Pedro.

No Sunday, 21 May, to 09:30 carried out the script "Give me a water droplet" and, at the same time, the workshop "Lost Wax", Museu Alberto Gordillo no, taught by himself.

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