The Museum of Light, located in the village of Luz, municipality of Mourão – Alentejo, will inaugurate the temporary exhibition “Expressão da Paixão”, of the artist Zévi, the next day 08 April, by 16h00.
Bearing in mind the Pascal period that we live in, the exhibition represents a series of paintings applied on different supports, where the figure in focus is Jesus Christ.
The theme is not intended to be strictly religious, but of an emotional and human nature, where the paintings try to represent the feeling of compassion through the expression of the figure, given the history we know, and the motives that led Christ to extreme actions of passion, emotion, physical and psychological suffering.
According to the author, this collection does not have a concrete number of works and translates into a series of continuous exercises through mixed techniques where painting and sculpture intersect in visual compositions without defined rules..
The exhibition “Expression of Passion”, can be seen at the Museu da Luz from 08 from april to 30 May. The Luz Museum is part of the Portuguese Museum Network and is open from Tuesday to Sunday from 9:30 am to 1:00 pm and from 2:30 pm to 5:30 pm.