Music: Sing Alentejo is Heritage's 3 year old.

The sing Alentejo, a collective corner, without the use of instruments and incorporating music and poetry, It was ranked ago 3 year old, on 27 November 2014, as Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO.

The distinction was approved, by UNESCO's Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage, which is meeting this week in Paris (France).

The Committee approved the candidature of Alentejo sing and be registered in the representative list of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.

The Alentejo sing declaration as World Heritage was approved five minutes after it started its evaluation. During the analysis stage, the UNESCO committee meeting, the Portuguese application was considered as one of the “good examples of candidates selected by the Committee”.

Shortly after the decision, the voices of Alentejo singers were heard in the room where the committee is meeting, in the French capital, having been widely applauded performance, no end.

The application of the Alentejo Sing Heritage was presented to UNESCO in March 2013, after, in 2012, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs decided to delay its presentation, considering that the process did not meet conditions for acceptance.

At the end of October this year, an international committee of UNESCO experts gave a positive opinion on the application, which ranked as “exemplar”.

The application was sponsored by the city of Serpa / House Sing, with the contribution of the Regional Entity of Tourism of Alentejo and Ribatejo, the Casa do Alentejo, in Lisbon, the Confraternity of the Alentejo Sing and Fashion – Association Sing Alentejo.

In Municipal Assembly of Beja, a Declaration was approved, presented by elected CDU, congratulatory raising the Alentejo Sing the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.

CDU elected in the Municipal Assembly of Beja, We are welcoming the important distinction that was given to the Alentejo people and saluting his third birthday, urging the authorities to continue to honor its commitments and expressed their commitment to continue to actively contribute to the actions initiated during the proposal writing and implemented after approval, as is the UNESCO Center of the installation of the specific case in Beja and its action plan, continue to follow the initial design that gave them substance: preserve, disseminate and transmit to future generations the most valuable heritage of a people in these times of globalization - its identity.

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