Music: “The Alentejo Children”, project started in 2011.
“One of the popular demonstrations that better reflect the customs registration, traditions and joys of a population, it is, no doubt, the songbook. Seriously threatened by modern times, the songs of the people have come to blur and lose its authenticity " … “The Alentejo Children”.
Much has sang and charmed the portals of cottages, in eiras, the path of pilgrimages, the weeding of wheat fields and olive picking. A range as diverse melodies that, according to the collections made by countryman Luis Simenta allowed embody the classical guitar Initiation Project, early 2011, initiative sponsored by the Cultural Center and Sports, Health and Social Security Beja (CCDSSB) to its members and family. As possible, also, establish strong bonds of brotherhood among the members that make up the learning group "The Alentejo Children".
Final de 2011, initiated a new phase in this project, level advanced training of classical guitar, after the protocol established between the CCDSSB parts and learning the group "The Alentejo Children" led by Luis Simenta, the objective of this group is committed to continue disseminate the Portuguese popular music and in particular our land and culture of our people, always selflessly.
“The Alentejo Children” won his identity, just in public performances in 2012 the performances developed in stages such as: Restaurant Pereira, They have Avondo, Club Sergeants of the Air Base 11, Vila de Frades, Homes, Social character associations and gatherings of CCDSSB provided to its members.
This re-entry in the new season was demanding both in repertoire both in acoustic performance especially in live performances in serenades with usual liking of fans (family and associates), this acresceu responsibilities of all members of the group in order to respond effectively and satisfaction filed the exclusivity agreement with the Institution CCDSSB.
Keeping your reputation and professionalism recognized, or a regional stage / national or perhaps international, the Alentejo Children expect to meet the legitimate expectations deposited by all.
Currently, The Alentejo Children, give a firm consolidated legal personality, indispensable condition to develop the continuity of the project that is in its genesis is singing the Alentejo and its people, maintaining fidelity to the past, to their traditions and to its rich history Alentejo. These assumptions underlying the future record work called "Return to Origins" based on a quality repertoire with original already in the pipeline, with lyrics by José Custódio and L music. Simenta, such as: "The grapes that give wine", "Lira" and "The chimney there the fifth".
The group aims to be ambassador Sing Alentejo, its size, and for your community.
Naturally and spontaneously, the events of participation agenda of "The Children of Alentejo" the calendar 2014 It was full, namely: Quelfes (26Jan – Festa Honra S. Sebastião), Ourique (22Sea - Feast Pig Alentejo), Fair Garvão (10May - XX Agro-Food Exhibition), Saved (17Mai – Festa Social), Encontro Rotary Club (22Jun – Beja Parque Hotel), Almodovar (12Jul - FACAL), UF Panoias and Conception (20Jul – Festas de Panoias), Beja (9Set - Arruada Trade Association and District of Beja), Beringel (8Nov – S. Martin JF Beringel), Vila de Frades (7Ten - Vitifrades Route of Wineries), Pastry Alendoce (10Ten – Casting new entry element Rui Silva with Mandolin) e CCD (12Ten – Dining living).
Currently, are residents gerontes group: Antonio Cruz - Commercial Employee, José Hallelujah - Military, José Custódio - Superior Técnico, Manuel Salvador - Technician, Miguel Fialho - Eng. Electrotechnical, Louis Simenta - Superior Técnico, Rui Silva - Military and Victor Felix – Military.