Opening of Christmas lights early due to bad weather. “Christmas market” moves to the Fairs and Exhibitions Park.
The inauguration of Beja's Christmas lighting, that was announced for tomorrow, it was brought forward to this tuesday afternoon, due to the announcement of bad weather forecast from tomorrow in the region.
The test for your connection was done yesterday and after realizing that everything was in a condition to be connected, “the Municipality decided to anticipate its connection”, Lidador told the News (LN), the mayor of the municipality Paulo Arsénio.
More than ten and a half arteries of the Historic Center of the city are illuminated, situation that will continue until the day 8 January, going to the municipality to invest 73.800 euros, value with VAT included.
The mayor assured that “the guidelines given by the Government for the use of Christmas lights will be complied with”, adding that they “will be linked between the 18,00 e as 24,00 hours", a shorter schedule than in previous years.
But the announcement by the Portuguese Institute of the Sea and Atmosphere (IPMA) which predicts persistent and intense rain for Beja from tomorrow and during the next week led the City Council to move the “Christmas Market from the main streets of the city to the Pavilhão dos Sabores in the Parque de Feiras e Exposições.
The initiative takes place between Thursday and Sunday, of 8 a 11 of December, entre as 10 e as 19 hours, “being close to 40 Exhibitors, most of the municipality selling products alluding to the court”, justified the mayor's office.
To 6 de janeiro the town hall of beje “will offer two hours of free parking for Christmas shopping”, said Paulo Arsenio, revealing that they “do not necessarily have to be followed”, concluded. The situation is valid for the surface parking lot and for the two underground car parks in the city..
The 'tuk-tuk' tours, between days 9 and 24 of December, from 4 pm to 7 pm, booked in advance at Casa do Santa Claus, exhibitions, Theatre, performances by music bands and other street entertainment are also part of the program.
Teixeira Correia